Kia Ora and Welcome to Horotiu School.
We are a family-oriented, semi-rural school, situated on the banks of the Waikato River and part of the gateway to Kirikiriroa, Hamilton. We pride ourselves on striving together for success as one whaanau. We cater for Year 1-8 (5-13 year olds).
As you will no doubt learn in the weeks and months to come, we are an extremely active, well-resourced, nurturing environment to be part of. Our dynamic staff are supported by a pro-active and forward thinking School Board. We are in the heart of Kingitanga and our school has strong links to mana whenua.
Some of our key regular activities and opportunities for learners include: Year 7/8 Camp, Agricultural Day, Gala, Kapa Haka, Waka Koopapa, Marae Visits, Horotiu Idol, Tug of War, Cultural Festivals, Interschool challenges and opportunities, ‘Trees for Survival’ river planting days, Community Hui and Enviro Schools.
As new members to our community, please do be encouraged to pop in at any time should you have a question, interest, need or concern. Of course if you have anything to offer the school, we promote an open door policy and would love you to share your knowledge, skills and wisdom with us.
Once again, welcome to Horotiu School.
Ngaa mihi
Jonathan Wright (Jo)
Our People
Our staff also enjoy the opportunity to get involved and have fun through dress-up days, games, activities and events. We set high personal academic, sporting, and cultural and behavioural expectations for the tamariki, and strive to ensure they achieve success in all areas. As a school, we have distinct focus areas which guide our curriculum and provide a scaffold for our future learning success.
These have been developed through consultation with our community, the School Board, the Ministry of Education and through research on what skills learners need to be successful. The school works within Innovative Learning Environments, with co teaching in most spaces.

Our Horotiu School Learner Profiles

Kia tuu maia

Kia tuu hei ahowhitiwhiti

Kia tuu hei pouarataki

Our Place
Horotiu School is a full state, co-educational primary situated in a semi-rural community 10 km north of Hamilton. The school has a strong connection with mana whenua and the wider-community. Our 1 July roll number is approximately 260, with approximately 50% European, 45% Māori, 5% Other. Our children are split between Horotiu and Ngaaruawahia, with a small number coming from Hamilton.
The school environment is fully inclusive where children and staff demonstrate open, caring and friendly relationships. The environment and feeling of belonging is displayed in our Mission, Vision, Learner Profiles and Values. They are integral to the way in which we do things at Horotiu School.